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the Lagoon

12 Maggio 2021

A unique ecosystem, at your fingertips

The San Teodoro lagoon, recently acquired by the municipality of San Teodoro and it’s included in the list of special conservation areas for sites of community importance (S.I.C.), it is a precious ecosystem that hosts a great biological heritage of flora and fauna, a paradise for bird watching … In its environment there are sea bass, sea bream, glance, but also the pink flamingo, cormorant, heron, coot, kingfisher, kestrel, marsh harrier and many other species of marsh and marine fauna.

The lagoon can be visited by following some paths, starting from the north or from the south. Recently, wooden fences have been put in place that delimit additional paths prepared for the observation of endemic species, on the western stretch of La Cinta beach from which it can be accessed. The fence has a double function: it indicates the path and marks the off-limits areas affected by specific redevelopment projects through the planting of the characteristic essences of the site, thanks also to the scientific support of the Tavolara-Punta Coda Cavallo Marine Protected Area.

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